Friday, October 18, 2013

Don't Ignore These 15 Online Business Tips

. The first image in your business is your website. Keep it simple, well designed and well organized.

 Take a look at websites owned by companies you admire, notice how the design and the organization of the site is . I admire and

2. The cheapest and sustainable way to find new visitors to you site is SEO. The more pages you get on the first page of the search engines, the more visitors you get.

3. Each visitor to your site is a potential customer. If any of them contacts you, respond to them promptly.

4. It is expensive getting a new client but it's cheaper retaining one. Make it an effort to make your customers come back.

5. Engage your visitors. Create content that will evoke a response from your readers. Create social media accounts and keep them active.

6. Set up and maintain a high quality mailing list. Ask your visitors to sign up for your newsletter and give them an incentive when they do.

7. Look for successful online businessmen you admire who can mentor you in your business.

8. Customer service is paramount. Give your customers a reason to come back. Repeat visitors will increase your business tremendously.

9. Add complementary products to yours on the "thank you" page. It will increase the income you get from each client.

10. Find stories from your clients to tell new prospects. It's not always about your products, it's about your clients and how their problems will be solved.

11. Be yourself and do not lose it because you are on a virtual platform. You are still interacting with people, who need a human interaction.

12. Do not oversell to your visitors. Many do not like a pushy salesperson in the offline market. They are no different online.

13. Get high quality backlinks to your website. These are links pointing to your site from reputable websites in your niche.

14. Feed your visitors with high quality information. This will help you build a reputation online.

15. Feed your website with original content. You wouldn't want to handle the consequences of